Excoriation of left facial plaen
This chapter describes the anatomy of the face in layers or planes, with some important structures or regions described separately, including the facial nerve, sensory nerves, and facial arteries. The superficial layers and topography of the neck are also described. The facial skeleton forms the hard tissue of the face and.
Excoriation disorder is a mental disorder characterized by the repeated urge to pick at one's own skin, often to the extent that damage is caused. Research has suggested that the urge to pick is similar to a body-focused repetitive behavior but others have argued that for some the condition is more akin to a substance abuse.
General dermatology - site
Superficial Fascia
Description:Orbital cellulitis is an acute inflammation of the eye socket. Diagnosis is usually through clinical recognition and is confirmed by serologic testing. If there is no obvious skin injury, a needle may be used to inject a small amount of sterile salt solution into the infected skin, and then the solution is withdrawn. Skin and soft tissue infections in returning travelers.
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