Wny fetish mades
Explore Buffalo, Utah, and more!
Stone Fetish - Buffalo
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The buffalo didn't range as far south as Zuni Pueblo but hunters did go out to hunt them to the north and east of present day Zuni. They also traded items for buffalo hide, horn and meat. Moccasins made of buffalo hide, robes and blankets - these were all highly prized by the Zuni as evidenced when the Spanish first.
A BIG! Beautiful Zuni BUFFALO Fetish Made From a Septarian Nodule Utah gr e.
Description:The Zuni Buffalo Fetish is adorned with a turquoise arrowhead, turquoise and coral stones. Adornment is a show of affection and appreciation by its maker and owner. The better treatment a fetish receives, the better performance it is likely to provide. A fetish houses the spirit of the animal for which it was created and assists man against any real or potential problems of the mind, the body or the universe. A fetish can be owned by an individual, a family, a clan; a kiva society or an entire tribe. Regardless of ownerships, the care of a fetish is always the responsibility of one person.
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