Why landscapes suck photography
Whitney Age: 32. People go to Vegas, and they don't know what to doJe suis un jeune modele , , de hauteur tres agreable et instruiteIm curious about your phantasies and ideas andTherefore, I want you to remember me as a break into this circle, as something which is not a deja-vous, but totally new!
Yet I have never seen a photograph of a mountain that conveys that scale and that majesty even remotely like the real thing. In photographs, mountains are merely picturesque. Grand landscapes evoke awe, and awe is a very difficult emotion to convey. The only art form that can really pull it off is cinema. The beacons.
Why Most Landscapes Suck
I’l give you 5 reasons… 😉
My name Loretta Age: 26. years Young, college student, fun, always living life to the fullest! Love to meet new people
Description:It takes a while before I get into the flow, but ones I can take out my mind, I start to see the endless possibilities. It is something entirely different when a photographer wants to be an artist. Their photography is pure Socialist Realism, only not as honest about its program -- relentlessly upbeat, eager to please, depicting the world not as it is, but as it surely should be… and utterly devoid of power to evoke anything but the most trite and saccharine-sweet of emotions. Subsequent investigation revealed that the brakes on his truck had failed. That is my thesis, and the point around which my thoughts on landscape photography currently pivot. In conclusion, make art and put it out into the world, but put in the hard work to do what speaks to you. The landscape photographers had their own photos of the same scenes with the same compositions, and especially out west the list was the height of predictable:
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