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Mind the empty bottle with the holes along the bottom
Mind the empty bottle with the holes along the bottom

Description:I can't stand it when people come at me having their huge emotional gaping holes and need me to fill them. Find it for yourself and don't seek it from others! Weird Al Yankovich performs a spoof of "You Oughta Know" as part of a medeley of alternative rock songs on his most recent album. New Songs - Alanis has several unreleased songs that she performs in concert. Past friends idolized me, and I'm sure when Alanis followed her passion in music, she got these needy co-dendent people doing it to her all the time! He thinks that marrying me will make him happy. Why do people come to me?

Views: 1603 Date: 2018-05-27 Favorited: 95 favorites

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