Playboys first shaved playmate
Hi, i am Melanie Age: 30. Je serai ravie de vous recontre dans votre maison ou l'hotel, mes photos sont reelle ressente, pas mauvaise surprise sur place avec moi, je vous propose une presentation de qualitie dans un cadre discretXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDu kannst mich zum Dinner, kulturellen oder geschaftlichen Anlassen sowie als elegante Begleitung bei Stadtereisen mitnehmenNora nives
The article lists Stephanie Adams as the first playmate to "come out" publically as a lesbian. But I remember that.
Dalene Kurtis - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs
Description:The average girl has adopted much shorter hair, and has kept it nearly plastered to the scalp with straighteners, over the same time that she started messing with her other hair. A flowing mane of hair and a full bush might give men the idea that she's more of a wild animal than her otherwise hairless skin had let on. After all, the change was not trivial, like abandoning yellow shirts for blue ones. If nobody objects, I'd like to remove this from the article unless another editor has a citation for it.
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Date: 2018-05-26
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